30 Jun 2023

Shading tents to shade spaces

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Shading rental tents do not have a closed roof or curtains and allow air circulation. We install colored fabrics according to the event, either as a corporate color or according to the client's choice.  On this occasion we installed Red and Blue corporate color fabrics, creating an elegant seating area.

Based on Eventop Vip tents model,, our Shading model

has the same structure of wooden beams and the same fastening in this case with counterweights. Also, if the client requires it, it is possible to incorporate Platform for rent to this model of tent for events, to give more comfort to the guests.

Likewise, our modularrental tentin beige color 5x10m created a large covered space to celebrate the event and at the same time protect the guests from the sun and rain.

For more information about our Tent rental services in Barcelona, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will offer you the best solution.


Information request

If you would like more information about our tents, platforms and other event products, please contact us by filling out the following form. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for your interest.